Saints Row the Third: QTEs and Rail Shooters?!
What more is there to say? Yuck! As a cinematic experience it’s pretty good. (Although in terms of canon it’s a bit weird. Why is Shaundi suddenly competent?) But… that’s all. Yes, there’s a “big open world”, but in the plot so far, there’s a tiny bit of shooting, and a lot of “shooter on rails” action. And the second you hit someone with a melee attack– quick time events! Oh, and QTE’s all through the plot.
I guess it annoyed them that Yahtzee liked Saints Row 2. Apparently it annoyed them so much that they had to add exactly the things that we all hate. Lame.
I’d like a refund, please.
OK I admit it, I don’t really want a refund. The game seems to be mostly OK. It’s lost a lot of its groove though. If you’re thinking about buying it, wait until this time next year when they come out with a bundle that has all of the DLC included.
And I feel sorry for the people who actually worked on the game, because it looks great and controls very well on PC. But just cruising around looking for trouble–well–to be honest there really isn’t much to do. I guess they didn’t want activity icons cluttering the world, but picking out challenges from your cell phone isn’t as cool as stumbling across them by accident in the world. I think they’ve fallen victim to their own success. :(