Blogs On Tape

Blogging can be entirely pointless. Not as pointless as Facebook, and nothing could be as pointless as Twitter, but blogs are, as a rule, self indulgent crap. Mine is no different, although I like to think that once in a while I squeeze something in there that is useful to someone. This is probably self delusion, though.

I blog, even though it is pointless. I assume that I do it for the same reasons everybody else blogs, because I think what I have to say is somehow valid or relevant or something. But, mostly, I blog because I enjoy the pointless write-only nature of blogs. I blog because it is pointless. Nobody reads these things except for a few tolerant friends and the occasional Alpine car stereo owner trying to figure out how to get a decent sound out of his IMPRINT system. In the interest of maximizing the irony and pointlessness, I have decided that it would be a good idea to supplement these blogs with video.

Video. Nobody reads any more. Text is so twentieth century. But because I enjoy writing, I have decided simply to read the blog, forming a sort of blogs on tape experience, except of course that it won’t be on tape. So Blogs Not On Tape, then. It’s quick, it’s easy, it’s Youtube. Also, everyone else is doing it. I want to fit in, right? No, that’s really not the reason. I’m really doing this because it is pointless.

Because I plan to read the blog, the video version will have to be made after the blog is posted, so the video will lag the text version somewhat. Possibly by a lot. I may just stop updating the videos entirely. Because, you know, it’s not a real blog unless you stop updating it as soon as life gets interesting.

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