I know what you’re thinking.
Well, actually, that statement is generally a lie. It’s not just that I have really no way to read your mind, it’s that we probably don’t even use the same referential framework to have thoughts with. How would I know what your thoughts mean? If we grew up speaking the same language, there may be some common ground, but in general it’s fairly pointless.
I’m willing to bet that if I could know what your thoughts are, you’d be thinking something along the lines of “Tom has abandoned his blog”. Nothing could be farther from the truth! There’s simply nothing happening. Oh sure, I’ve moved my home to a different house, my web host was invaded and rebuilt, and I’ve made some miracles occur at my job. In boring, non-noteworthy ways I’ve been very active. But, in all the ways that are important, there’s nothing happening.
I haven’t found a new video game to play. No arrests. Same cat. Everything is pretty much the same.
I guess it’s time to post a rant.