A Reasonably Interesting Month So Far

Well, let’s see, a lot has been going on this month, hasn’t it? Oh sure, there are all those normal things that happen in life, but then there was the huge vaserv hack, which took this site (and my email) down for a while. (I still love you fsckvps, even if you have changed owners and will probably start to suck now). It’s always fun to lose your email and order new credit cards.

Game-wise, hmm… I picked up a copy of Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge, which is turning out to be a fairly good strategy game, and have finally been spending time on Wipeout HD. Wipeout is one of those games that’s so fast you can’t think while you play it or you die. Sure, a lot of the tracks are familiar if you played it on the PSP, but still awesome. Oh, and Matt Hazard. If you’re an old school gamer it’s laugh-out-loud funny. At least rent it.

Also, I am temporarily taking care of the blind, incontinent dog, which is something of a challenge. This is why I am not a professional caregiver. Speaking of which, I think I smell pee. Got to go.


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