Novell, RedHat, and Mono

So let me see if I have this straight.

  1. RedHat publicly states how upset they are with the Novell/Microsoft patent deal.
  2. RedHat, in a completely unrelated decision, decides not to include Mono as a standard core package in their Enterprise Linux, now or ever. Some developers are sad because this means their .NET packages can not become standard RHEL packages.
  3. Other developers continue to use Novell’s Mono repository and shrug.
  4. Novell, in another completely unrelated move, no really, decides to stop supporting RPM format releases for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  5. Novell completely removes all existing RPM packages for RHEL from the internet, ensuring that anyone who is currently shipping a product based on previously released binaries is now screwed if they make any new sales.
  6. Mono developers are left to dangle in the wind.

So… after a moment of thought, I guess the only rational, levelheaded reaction to this is fuck you Novell.

Apologies to anyone whose sensitive ears were damaged by the mention of Microsoft earlier in this little article, but it was necessary.

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