Obama: Look on The Bright Side

So we elected Obama, and it’s turning out even for his most ardent supporters to be a bit of a disappointment. I’ll admit, I voted for him, even though I figured his message of “Hope” was way, way too broad to really be true. Hey, he promised us Hope, and that’s exactly what he gave us, much to the evident glee of those who hate him.

But there is a bright side! You see, it’s OK for everyone to hate Obama, left wing liberals and hardcore conservatives alike. And now Obama is doing some very bad things, or rather, tacitly making permanent some very bad temporary things done by previous administrations. He now officially approves of torture, indefinite imprisonment of Americans without due process, warrantless wiretapping… that bastard! But think, if we had a Republican president, all of these would be acceptable to some people. Don’t agree? Well, you’re wrong. All of these were started under the Bush administration.

When our good old friend W. thought it was OK to detain Americans without due process, that was OK. Now that Obama has signed it into law with the approval of both houses of Congress, suddenly it’s an offense against all that is decent.

When W’s administration started recording Americans’ conversations willy nilly, it was all we could do to get someone to investigate it. What was the first thing Obama did? Officially let the phone companies off the hook. [no pun intended. hey that’s kinda funny.]

We don’t even *talk* about torture these days. That’s apparently acceptable to everyone.

I should probably wrap this up in a nice summary here, and recap my point: it’s a good thing we elected a black Democrat because now conservatives are permitted to object to gross violations of fundamental American values by our own government. But I’m just getting too angry to think so I’ll just go now.

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