The War on Solstice: Taking Veterans Hostage

I wouldn’t think that veterans would make good hostages. Recently, it seems that Christians have become fond of defending unconstitutional practices by taking veterans hostage.

Some examples: In the recent lighting of the CHRISTMAS tree in Madison, Governor Walker made a point of dedicating the tree to members of the military. In Rep Jaret Gibbons’s recent open letter defending Ellwood City’s Christian display, he points out the military service of the local citizens as a reason to keep it. Several crosses and even the now-infamous Big Mountain Jesus on public property are being called war memorials in an attempt to prevent their removal. Christians are also particularly fond of putting crosses on military shrines and vice versa. For more examples, just go to and browse around.

Talk of removing a war memorial and you’ll get the same reaction as if you said you were considering taking up a pedophile lifestyle–and for good reason! I think pretty much everybody respects the sacrifices made, and so on. Claiming that something like the “Statuary Jesus” is a war memorial attempts to confer onto it the special untouchability normally reserved for, you know, real memorials built to honor real veterans.

I’ve seen a lot of Liars for Jesus in the public sphere recently, creatively rewriting history as they push their Christian Nation agenda. Hypocrisy like that is fairly repulsive, but this new Co-opting Veterans for Jesus thing is truly disgusting.

Isn’t the greatest honor we can show to those brave men and women fighting to uphold our Constitution, to uphold the Constitution?

See also:FFRF’s open letter to rep Gibbons

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