COEXIST — Seriously?

I like funny bumper stickers as much as the next guy. Which is to say, I enjoy the joke the first time I see a new one. And after that, not so much. But one bumper sticker I’ve been seeing lately continues to be funny no matter how many times I see it. It’s popular, apparently, among people who have never studied religion:


Wishful Thinking

That’s right, the COEXIST sticker. Here, posted without permission, is one of many nearly-identical-yet-copyrighted variations.

What’s wrong with this picture? For a start, you have a bisexual “e”, a letter I always thought was about as straight as they come, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You can’t trust the alphabet, as I always say. “OEXIS” is mostly composed of religions that have a record of tolerating other religions.

But of course the beginning and end are two ancient enemies, the crescent and the cross. Only distance is preventing a harsh confrontation there. And their animosity doesn’t stop with their rivalry. Hippies (O) and bisexuals (E) are all that prevent the C from murdering the X and taking its land, and you just know T is horrified at the presence of the “satanic” dot on I. S practices ungodly meditation that can pull you from your faith, and both C and T would gladly gang up on E and stone it to death for its perversion.

I’m surprised these bumper stickers don’t spontaneously combust.

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