Bearing kits are finally available!

July 6th, 2023

So… it turns out I had to order pins, and that took a few tries to get right. Now we have a ton of bearing kit parts and some great high quality roller bearings.

Until I update the eBay listings, anybody who orders a Generic kit gets the new rollers. They’re nice.

I’m very pleased!

We Have Parts!

May 8th, 2023

Lots of news! The parts shortage appears to be at least ending, I found a source for some very nice bearings, and it’s spring.

Bearings Incoming

After a lot of research, I found some nice smooth bearings I like, and ordered a big batch. They should be here in a few weeks, and then we will have more options in the store and the eBay listing. All the other bearing kit parts are already here. Excitement?

Parts Shortage Is Mostly Over. Right?

Well, all of the parts to build at least some of the pedals now appear to be available for purchase. So, wouldn’t you know my OS updated and now some of my tools won’t run. But this means I can now get back to working on the next Sugar Britches pedal (there will be another one). And some other awesome secret projects as well.

Other news

Well, there’s not other news. It’s spring!

Headed to Memphis

January 23rd, 2023

The various BYTE HEAVEN stores will be closed for a few days, while I am in Memphis for the IBC. Time to play the blues, and stuff! :)