The Medicare Part G – Real Life Edition

December 3rd, 2015

Say you’re an older senior citizen and can no longer take care of yourself. The government says there’s no Nursing Home care available for you. So, what do you do? You opt for the Medicare Part G Joke – Real Life Edition.

Our plan gives anyone 75 or older a gun (Part G) and one bullet. You are encouraged to shoot one worthless politician. After you miss, you will be arrested and make new and interesting friends in jail. You might get medical care, eventually, if your illness is life threatening, while your attorney buys a new yacht with your life savings. Your attorney will plea bargain for house arrest, so now you’re really stuck in your house, at least while you liquidate your remaining worldly goods to pay for the anger management therapy and/or psychiatric counselling, depending on whether you chose to plead insanity.

After your house is repossessed, you will get to see a lot of your kids, or make new and interesting friends at the local shelter. As an added bonus, you now qualify for food stamps.

And, who will be paying for all of this? You! Until all of your possessions and savings are gone. Then you’ll be out on the street.

Is this a great country or what?

Would somebody please explain to me why the same people who want to shut down the federal government are upset that Medicare doesn’t cover everything?

Aphorisms: it’s raining it’s pouring

November 6th, 2015

It frequently rains very gently.

Remember last week when you spilled a little bit of coffee but managed to avoid burning yourself and otherwise it was a very nice morning? No? That’s right, it is easy to forget that, usually, just one small thing will go wrong and it’s not that bad. It frequently rains without pouring. In fact, yesterday there was a very light shower out of an almost-clear sky with the sun shining, then it stopped for a while. Then there were a few snowflakes, which quickly stopped, and it was sunny all afternoon.

So, the next time everything is breaking at once and Murphy’s Law is in full effect, don’t pretend that this happens all the time–it’s unusual.

Obsolete saying:

It never rains but it pours.

Aphorisms: Do you know?

November 5th, 2015

You never know until you try, except sometimes.

You can not predict the future with 100% accuracy. But on the other hand, you’ve been around the block a few times; sometimes you can see events before they happen with uncanny precision. People are very predictable, or you know that your snowboarding skill is *well* below the level required to stay upright on the way down this cliff. Sometimes you know.

Obsolete saying:

You never know until you try.