More… um… Nightmares?

I realize I must be at a happy place in my life. Lately, I’ve been having nightmares, if you can call them that, that aren’t particularly frightening, but clearly identifiable as nightmares. Earlier this summer, for example, I had this dream:

I realize with some dismay that my coffee is starting to get lukewarm, so I’d better drink it quickly before it gets cold.

Yes, that’s the nightmare. Clearly recognizable as a nightmare from the slightly horrified tone, and I even woke up. And yes, that’s the whole dream. And then there’s the one where I realized that I needed to close the front door, because I just walked through it and left it open… Oh no, (dun dun DUNN) the cat might get out!

And then the dreams went away for a while, and I really haven’t had any nightmares to speak of. But now they’re back–maybe all the time I spent playing Diablo II has warped my brain. (Perhaps the pixellated gore is disturbing me!) Last night I had a new nightmare. It was terrible! This dream was one of the horrible recurring nightmares that you get when you commute on a road bike.

I’m looking at my bike, enjoying its sleek lines, and realize that the front tire has partially deflated, even though I pumped it up this morning. I have a slow leak! Noooo!

Maybe I should see a therapist.

One Response to “More… um… Nightmares?”

  1. mxbishop Says:

    I recently dreamed I had become the monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey. I had all these apes starring at me – and touching me. Kind of creepy.

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