Fallout 2 Restoration 2.0…

I’ve been sucked back into Fallout 2 again, because of the release of the Restoration Project version 2.0. And wow is the game a lot better than I remember. Maybe that’s because I actually found the north half of Gecko (the Junkyard) finally, after what, 10 years? And some of those broken quests are unbroken now.  Somehow the game is a lot more fun when you can actually achieve goals.

So, yes, this means that I actually am driving the car for the first time. The wasteland is a lot more fun when you’re mobile. The master’s army still tears me up though…and it seems like there are way too many great guns. I forgot about that aspect of the game.

Because they made guns plentiful and powerful, the biggest problem in Fallout 2 is that nothing was rare and special. Well, the biggest problem was previously that you couldn’t complete the game because it had so many bugs and that a lot of quests were simply impossible to complete because they weren’t finished. With unofficial community patches that is all fixed, and the game design flaws can be promoted to “worst problem” status. And there are plenty of problems with the game design: blah locations, plot twists that play fast and loose with game canon, and as far as your character is concerned it really forces you to play a specific way–that is if you want to finish the game. (These flaws were faithfully reproduced and expanded on in Fallout 3, of course.)

But it’s a lot better than without the restoration pack. Even at its worst, it’s still Fallout.

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