Tiny Linux media player distributions…

As I download the new release of Obfuscar (now with what I would consider a complete feature set), I’ve been searching for a minimal Linux version to use as a media player. I’d prefer something that doesn’t require a hard drive, because those are noisy. And it needs a good web browser with javascript support. There are dozens of them, right?

My first choice, and the usual answer to all “lightweight Linux distro” questions, is Puppy Linux. It boots from a CD, USB dongle, or whatever, and contains every feature imaginable. However, there is a problem: the latest release (4.3.1) does not include the latest linux kernel (2.6.31 or .32), which ultimately means it does not contain the drivers for the newer Sound Blaster X-Fi chipset. Which makes me sad, because Puppy is great.

The Ubuntu livecd requires too much RAM to boot at all.


So I am faced with a decision: keep looking for an ideal tiny distro, or roll my own Puppy with a newer kernel.

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