Goodbye XFire, Hello Steam Community

I guess it’s time for my cool signature generator script to stop looking at XFire, because I don’t run it any more. The audio quality is so-so, the volume levels are always off for voice chat, it causes game crashing… well when it comes right down to it the only good thing about it is that it works in-game.

Now I’ve discovered that I can use the Steam community in-game. It has better voice support and a very slick interface. Granted, it only supports a few games at the moment, but I’m hoping that will improve with time. (Correction: I’m wrong about that, it supports a lot of games. All you have to do is launch them from the Steam interface.)

I remember that when Steam first came out, everybody hated it for being oppressive DRM. Including me. Since then, I’ve come to really like it, because while it prevents me from running multiple copies of software, it also makes it very *easy* to run the number of copies that I’ve actually purchased. I like that.

Enough ranting about Steam. Back to Java JPA. Whee.

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