Lucid Code at its Best

In my opinion, even the best Python programmers, by definition, are incapable of of conforming to established standards, and are therefore incapable of writing maintainable, well-commented code. I have yet to see a python module that was actually well-commented. Not in free software, not in commercial software, not in Mercurial (sorry guys). Here’s a revelatory moment from IRC:

[21:39] <@tekhedd_> It’s using the Twisted python internet libraries.
[21:39] <@tekhedd_> ray of light
[21:39] <@tekhedd_> my god, is it real? It’s been dark so long, I’m so afraid to be disappointed again…
[21:41] <@Urvieh> always worth the risk
[21:45] <@tekhedd_> OK, so I’m trying to figure out how the login dialog works, and there’s an object called “pb”.
[21:45] <@tekhedd_> And I’m thinking to myself, this must be a local variable.
[21:45] <@tekhedd_> Then I notice it’s imported from “twisted.spread”
[21:45] <@tekhedd_> it’s listed right after “twisted.banana”
[21:45] <@tekhedd_> and “twisted.jelly”
[21:45] <@tekhedd_> in the twisted docs
[21:45] <@tekhedd_> it’s peanut butter, isn’t it?
[21:46] <+Sigoya1> O.o
[21:46] <@tekhedd_>     factory = pb.PBClientFactory()
[21:46] <@tekhedd_>     reactor.connectTCP(masterIP,masterPort,factory)
[21:46] <@tekhedd_> I’m not making this up.
[21:46] <@tekhedd_> oh thank goodness, it stands for “Perspective Broker”
[21:46] <@tekhedd_>
[21:47] <@tekhedd_> and of course “jelly” is short for “S-expression-based persistence of python objects”

[21:56] <@tekhedd_> So, the pb.ClientFactory actually creates S-expression based distributed networking clients.
[21:56] <@tekhedd_> Gosh, lucid code at its best.

Python programmers just don’t “get” standards and maintainability.

You see, Python programmers are the black sheep, the renegades, the self-taught hackers who live in a world without fences or curly brackets. The noobs who haven’t learned to write quality code yet.

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