So it’s friday. Again.

I’m just sitting here on friday afternoon, watching software compile.

There’s another piece of software that I wrote that does all the work during this part. I don’t have to do anything at all. I’m just sitting here staring at a scrolling wall of text and watching the CPU meter go up and down. This could possibly be the best part of my job. Oh, the other parts are nice, but watching a machine do most of the work is very pleasing.

I said that it is dull; this is a good thing. If you write software for a living, and your job is not boring, you’re doing it wrong. Probably you should read some books on programming. My job is very boring indeed. I wonder if this means I’m very good. (I don’t think it works both ways.)

In years past, I would be playing NetHack during compilation. I still play it sometimes, but these days I don’t play games during compiles. Is this because compiles happen faster, or just because I’d hate to lose that “bored” sensation? Or maybe this is because programming itself is the game, and compilation is like the pre-rendered cut sequence between zones. Sadly, this is probably true. Oh well, my build is finished. Tune in next week, when I talk about why I think Hellgate London’s “Hardcore” mode makes up for any other flaws it might have, and about how much I despise MySpace.

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