In the Lull, Ratchet & Clank 2?

I’m in a lull. I have three (count them, three) subscriptions to online multiplayer games, and I’m not using any one of them. Four, if you count the remaining time on my cancelled WoW subscription. Oh, sure, one of them is that $5/mo for Dungeon Runners, hardly a huge drain on the coffers, but it still counts.

Why not? Is it just that I don’t feel like gaming because I’m working a lot? But I’ve been gaming a lot on the console. I think the answer is my computer chair.

It’s a pretty chair. It’s all cloth, wood trim, big and comfy, plenty of room to slouch. But the desk is too far away, the arms don’t fit under the desk… as a gaming environment it fails utterly. And sitting at a desk is too much like what I do all day at work. Heck, it is what I do all day at work.

But I’m sure that’s not all there is to it. Maybe it’s that Mass Effect completely defocused my attention from online games, and quite possibly it’s because I decided to replay Ratchet & Clank 2 (chosen because 1 is loaned to a friend, 3 is sort of disappointingly short, and 4 is a very lame online game with no single player). And of course it’s still great, but (as ever) not as good as 1. And it’s also had me thinking–I played all these games in 4:3, normal TV mode. Now I have the option to play them widescreen, but it chops off just enough of the sky that you can’t see to play. Who decided that games must always do widescreen by clipping the top and bottom, anyway? So I’m playing a game that supports 16:9 widescreen in 4:3 mode on my widescreen TV. It’s sort of depressing, so I’ll stop thinking about it and get a beer.

Work’s over. Time for beer.

(edit) You know, the more I think about the cropping, the less sense it makes. When you crop the top and bottom, it’s like you’ve zoomed in a bit. But, in most cases, a widescreen TV is bigger than your old standard layout. Why zoom in, when the screen just got bigger? It’s backwards. The assumption is that you have more space, you should zoom out a bit. At worst, it should split the difference. Oh well. Enough ranting. Did somebody say beer?(/edit)

Oh, and I ordered the new SteelSeries keyboard. It should get here next week sometime. So I’ll either have to get back to the PC for some gaming, or bring it to work. Either way I’ll wear it out. Promise.

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