(More) Bioshock Annoyances

Well, bioshock continues to annoy. All I’m doing is complaining. You have been warned.

Since its performance was really intolerable with my 7600GT(overclocked), I upgraded. Anything for an excuse, right? Bioshock recognizes that I have a different video card, and resets all settings. Yes, this is good, because it resets to the default resolution and medium quality. It also resets all custom key bindings, the mouse settings, even the audio preferences! Sure, it’s a minor annoyance, but… heck, what am I saying, this sucks. I remap a lot of keys! Long before there was “WASD”, there was “RDFG” or “TFGH”. That’s right, I like to have extra keys available for the pinky, because, hey, free finger! I got into this habit playing Descent, because “up and down” are so very important there. :) So this means I tend to remap… every key in the game.

Ah yes. Clicking “Return to Game” from the options menu also causes your current weapon to fire when you… return to the game. :( Little annoying things like this tell me: they just don’t care.

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