Due process is so 20th century
I am pleased to see that the new SOPA legislation sets the precedent for silencing speech without due process. Combined with the new “extended detention” laws, this should make it much easier for me to control dissent when I am made emperor of the world.
Relax and enjoy your new rules, or be disappeared and silenced. It’s for your own good. I said so.
Once I am appointed, these sites in particular will be silenced immediately. (And any sites that link to them, of course):
- Google’s petition that everybody seems to be signing will force me to shut down Google entirely
- SOPA explained. With profanity. While funny and educational, I will regrettably have to silence it.
- Wikipedia’s anti-SOPA drivel is as bad as their rabble-rousing blackout.
- Get Your Censor On
- Uncyclopedia seems to be on my side. Too bad. Under my reign there will be no exceptions for parody, comedy, or other frivolous reasons!
And, of course, those responsible for these sites will be imprisoned. Sometimes a little censorship and imprisonment are necessary for the good of all. Due process only gets in the way. Perhaps you only say that you agree because you’re afraid of disappearing, but that’s fine with me.
You might think that because I am linking to these sites, this site will also be shut down, and I will have to detain myself. I will not. Selective enforcement is what makes laws like SOPA and “indefinite detention” useful.