Archive for September, 2009

Girls/Games/Music/Beer — Is this all there is?

Friday, September 25th, 2009

It’s all so disappointing. Aion is an immensely successful and (from my experience so far) extremely dull and un-groundbreaking game. Women either don’t want to talk to me, are angry because we can’t be just friends, are angry because I only want to be just friends, or just simply can’t cope with the stress of […]

You don’t have to be conservative to be pro-capitalism

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

Some neighborhood dudes came by wanting signatures on a petition, supposedly to the mayor. From their attitudes, I immediately got the idea they were on a “pay per signature” basis. The petition demands that the mayor subsidize making homes more energy efficient through a tax credit. OK, so I can kind of see how that’s […]