Archive for the 'Gaming' Category

Speedpad n52, and where are the singers?

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

Well, I haven’t had much to say lately. This is partly because I’m too lazy to get out the camera and type up a blog entry, but also partly because there haven’t been that many “gaming experiences” in my life at all. Heck, I’ll bet I’m not even gaming more than 30 hours a week. […]

YFO – Yawning Festival Online!

Tuesday, October 9th, 2007

Recently, a lot of MMO development teams have given up on their designs because they were different, difficult to implement, and innovative. The smart ones backtrack, and produce games that duplicate that “same old” experience. Why is this? Because a good franchise with killer art will sell faster than any of your so-called “cool” ideas. […]

One upgrade leads to another.

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

One upgrade leads to another, and a third, and some breakage in today’s episode of “The Idiot Who Keeps Taking Apart A Perfectly Good Computer”. What was the lame justification this time? My chipset fan was going berserk. Whine! Whine! Shut! Up! “There’s only one solution” Obviously, this is the world getting revenge on me […]