Archive for the 'Gaming' Category

Holiday season over, Ski season in effect.

Monday, January 7th, 2008

Here in Colorado it is snowing! It has finally snowed enough that it’s worth driving in the dreadful traffic up into the mountains. I went up last friday, for the first time in, oh, eight or nine years. The snow was good, packed powder with a continuous flurry of fresh all day. Very fast. I […]

DR, TR, and Hellgate London

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007

I’ve been rotating through these three games lately (aside from the occasional Wii game). For those of you who have been living in a box, the acronyms stand for Dungeon Runners, Tabula Rasa, and Hellgate London. (Hellgate is the only one that doesn’t naturally want to become a two-letter acronym. “HL” just sounds wrong. But […]

In the Lull, Ratchet & Clank 2?

Thursday, December 6th, 2007

I’m in a lull. I have three (count them, three) subscriptions to online multiplayer games, and I’m not using any one of them. Four, if you count the remaining time on my cancelled WoW subscription. Oh, sure, one of them is that $5/mo for Dungeon Runners, hardly a huge drain on the coffers, but it […]