Archive for the 'Gaming' Category

Head cold blog

Monday, May 12th, 2008

I noticed the GuildCafe title bar today: “Bringing the world together through games.” Shouldn’t that be “in spite of games”? Because, well, most of the games we like to play have no way of communicating with each other, so we end up using third party applications and web sites in order to… oh heck what […]

Feast and/or Famine

Monday, May 5th, 2008

Sometimes there’s nothing worth playing, and sometimes there’s a waist-high stack of unfinished games. This is one of those “waist-high stack” times for me. I just realized that I installed but never even launched Portal! And let’s not even talk about GTA4. OK, let’s talk about GTA4 after all. I love it. I love that […]

Want Slightly Larger Fonts?

Monday, April 28th, 2008

Want slightly larger fonts in the forums? I did. Now I have ’em. You can have ’em too. Short story: I wrote a GreaseMonkey script that makes the fonts here slightly larger. Well, technically it can make them smaller if you have a very old monitor, but that’s not the point and I said this […]