tekhedd’s Lossy Word Shortener (s7r)

February 21st, 2025

Let’s face it, you don’t really read all those big words. You glance at the sentence, and your mind fills in the rest. Those words don’t need to be so big, they can be shorter. And their meaning can be recovered from context. I’m not talking about just removing a few vowels or a contraction, I’m talking about i18n, a11y, and other recent abbreviations. I call this lossy shortening.

Enter the lossy word shortener. Available as Python or Javascript source code, you can quickly shorten words to save on data, use less screen real estate on your page, and make text faster and easier(??) to read!


It’s Just A Small Thing

But very powerful. A highly efficient text compression algorithm, in only a few lines of code. Amazing!

That’s a nice sentence! But does it need to be so long? Let’s see what happens when I put that sentence through the lossy shortener with the default target length of 4:

But very p6l. A h4y e7t text c9n a7m, in only a few l3s of code. A5g!

Look how much space you saved! And easy to read. For higher legibility you can only encode the longest, most space-wasting words:

But very p6l. A highly e7t text c9n a7m, in only a few lines of code. Amazing!

Or you can shorten to the max, for the most efficient writing possible!

But v2y p6l. A h4y e7t t2t c9n a7m, in o2y a few l3s of c2e. A5g!

Most people can’t tell the difference and will simply read through, using context to restore the meaning. Think of the time and space savings!

Everything Is Happening

December 10th, 2024

Wow. Well, I have crossover pedals for sale again, and bearing kits, and just made a page with links to the controller mappings. It’s a madcap winter!

Singlecross Circuit Boards

August 9th, 2024
Look it's a Singlecross circuit board on top of a mysterious box!

What’s in the box?

Got a mysterious package from DHL this week! Yes, it’s Singlecross circuit boards! In the process of getting cases!

A singlecross circuit board sitting on top of an antistatic foam storage grid thingy full of MORE singlecross circuit boards.

It brought friends

There’s not much else to say other than that pedals are coming!