Appropriate tie for a wedding?

Saturday, June 25th, 2011

So, apparently I now have this really cool tie. The strange thing about this fairly awesome dark navy skull-and-crossbones tie is that it just sort of appeared in my shopping bag, along with a nice suit and “safe” tie that I purchased months ago and am just now unbagging. (I don’t really go formal very […]

“Just” Satire?

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

wallace asked this question in a comment at so basically you’re saying theres no actual flying spaghetti monster and that all this just satire. He misses an important point: it could be satire and still be true. Pastafarians have much more faith than other religions.  Allow me to explain. Let’s talk about faith. Faith […]

Denial Ho!

Monday, June 7th, 2010

As my friends know, I’ve become a fairly devout follower of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Well, when I say “devout”, I mean that I’m about as devout as you can be when you also ask yourself “What Would A Pirate Do?” on a daily basis. Because a pirate probably wouldn’t stress about it. So, this […]