Blog Archives

Who you callin’ a Whig?

Friday, July 30th, 2010

Finally, a political party that represents sanity. The Modern Whig Party represents “fiscal responsibility, strong national defense and educational/scientific advancement.” What? Fiscal conservatives who aren’t saddled with bronze age morality? Sign me up!

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is lonely and sad.

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

I read deconversion stories at on a regular basis, and they usually are quite sad. Oh, losing faith is only a little bit sad, but the joy of finding truth usually cancels it out. I’m talking about the sadness of realizing that your entire family and most of your friends are in a cult, […]

I kinda got over my indecision.

Monday, September 29th, 2008

I’m over it. Indecision? Nah. Palin was the first straw–what an unimpressive waste of a human life they’ve chosen for a VP…but just that terrifying puppet head isn’t enough to make up my mind. No, it’s just that Obama has something to say, and McCain has… well he’s well-rehearsed isn’t he? The more I listen […]