Blog Archives

Death Magnetic is Kinda OK I Guess

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

I mean, if you turn it up real loud it starts to sound like metal, but those sampled drums at that volume sound really crappy, and the songs just sorta sit there, but if you don’t play it real loud it sounds overproduced and pop, unless you turn the bass way up; with the bass […]

A2DP, Windows, and Linux

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008

I don’t understand. Linux supports stereo bluetooth audio with the latest packages. With two lines in a configuration file to tell alsa about my headphones, I’m listening to music. Windows XP has no support except for what comes from the manufacturers (which isn’t that great), and Vista sort of has support, if you’re lucky enough […]

2MuchWork Take 4 – Would you like House with that?

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

Well, here’s a fairly wild track I found in with the Absolutely project’s rough mixes. I don’t think I’ve listened to this since I made it, so it was as much of a surprise to me as anything. I guess it’s sort of trance house crossover or something. With lots of wild filters and stuff. […]