I put all the things in the box thing and now it’s a thing

January 16th, 2017

Everything fits into the box! Definitely not the final switches, or functionality, or layout, or anything. The amber LED is a definite keeper, though! I know they’re not very retro, but I like the knobs. They are too tall for a stompbox, unfortunately.

That control layout is kinda iffy

To my surprise, everything works as designed. I got the phase switch backwards though. Horrors!

Wait, you said it works?

I know what you’re probably thinking. “Phase switch?” Yes. Phase switch. “This must be some kind of blender pedal.” Yes. It is some kind of blender pedal. “For bass.”

Some kind of blender pedal

Yes. Some kind of blender pedal for bass.

Box o’ parts

January 9th, 2017

Opened my big box of parts from Mouser and sorted through it. Can you spot $45 worth of the wrong switch? :)


(Wrong switch: 100% my fault, BTW.)

Wow a lot of things came today! The bare boards are here too!


Still missing the toggle switches, but the other parts are all here.

Still waiting on those switches

So far so good!

The no-longer-secret bass stompbox project

January 6th, 2017

Updates on the not-widely-known Seltzer program are delayed, because I am finishing up the super secret bass stompbox project. It’s not fancy, it’s just badly needed. Every BYTE HEAVEN project exists because I need one and nobody else is making it.

3D rendered preview of U1’s new home. U1 is here to rock your world!

The project, code named “Reluctant,” is proceeding nicely. Circuit boards and components are in the mail, and prototypes should be functional very soon! Can you tell I’m excited?