“We have a lot of sex. You know, the usual.”

February 8th, 2018

“Jon” and “Molly” miss out on a wonderful opportunity to travel for only $999 with no black-ouu [sic] dates.

New “NATIVE” stickers

November 17th, 2017

Are you a local?

I realized my generic sticker collection was missing the all-important “NATIVE” stickers, so I added some new designs to the Cafepress Store thingy. Are you NATIVE? I know I am.


Pic of the GB Version 5b

September 22nd, 2017

It fits! I think it will fit into a 1590b2, so I have some of those on order. Smaller is better! Version 5c is in the works. I’m hoping to ship some of verison 5c.

Version 5b with flower sticker

Purple was what was in stock, so I went with purple. The flower sticker seemed appropriate.