Vestax Spin Mixxx 2.2 mapping

December 22nd, 2019

I have updated my version of the Vestax Spin Mixxx mapping to support Mixxx 2.2 and beat jump controls. And it works instead of crapping out. And, unlike the official mapping, the jog wheels work.

Share and enjoy!

Prototypes Incoming

October 9th, 2019
Singlecross Prototype

I believe this is all going to fit after all. Now I just need some pretty painted boxes and we’re good to go.

It fits!

August 1st, 2019

Wow there’s not a lot of extra space though!

Should I put all the jacks on one side?

But it does all fit. Now where’s that pesky guitar player?

Any pedal available with pre-applied robot sticker for a small extra fee?