Archive for September, 2008

Social Networking Overload

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

I just updated my basic Facebook profile. I hate facebook for showing my real name in the same way that I hate MySpace for showing my real age and sex. If I want you to see my A/S/L you’ll know it. At least Facebook can receive an RSS feed. Now I need a LinkedIn profile […]

Death Magnetic is Kinda OK I Guess

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

I mean, if you turn it up real loud it starts to sound like metal, but those sampled drums at that volume sound really crappy, and the songs just sorta sit there, but if you don’t play it real loud it sounds overproduced and pop, unless you turn the bass way up; with the bass […]

The Register – font size tweak

Monday, September 15th, 2008

The font size tweaks continue. Here is yet another GreaseMonkey script to fix pixel-width font sizes. This one sets The Register‘s font size to 10.5 point. Not exactly huge, right? But it’s way bigger than 14px, which is the new default. Booo! Get elregfonts.user.js here, or browse all tekhedd’s gm scripts.