Archive for August, 2008

Google is smarter than you are. Official.

Monday, August 18th, 2008

I was reading the entry at about Thanksgiving, and it occurred to me that whenever you search on anything in Google, one of the links is to Wikipedia. Anything! Google has a disturbingly pro-wikipedia bias. And, I wondered whether uncyclopedia would turn up at all. So I started picking words out of that uncyclopedia […]

Move over Mountain Dew, MeatWater is here

Friday, August 15th, 2008

When I’m up late playing games and I need a snack, MeatWater lets me keep on gaming. Nuff said.

Wow, it sure is dark in here, like, and stuff, man.

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

Of all the things to forget on the way to work–I forgot my clear glasses. Prescription sunglasses, you know? Today has been a very, very dark day. On the other hand, I get to be “cool” and wear my sunglasses all day. Man.