Archive for the 'Music' Category

Relative Minor

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

I used to make fun of singers who use pitch correcting autotuners. Now I make fun of singers who don’t. I’ve been singing backups for a couple of years, and I’ve come to the conclusion that while I have great control of my chest voice, I have very little control of my “head voice”. For […]

Tonight the blogging let me down

Friday, February 10th, 2012

Apologies to Merle. And to everyone else too. Each night I close my browser when it’s over Not feeling any pain while closing down But tonight my followers all seemed remoter Couldn’t share enough to keep you off my mind Tonight the blogging let me down and let your memory come around The one true […]

OLP Project 2: Anticlimax

Monday, September 19th, 2011

Just like the ending of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, this project ends with an anticlimax. Because nothing went terribly wrong, it is not that exciting to watch. For example, here is the front of the bass after. You can barely tell that there is a stacked treble/bass control. Otherwise, no visible change. I didn’t have […]