Archive for the 'Gaming' Category

S&S Seriously Not Sucking (and TR on the slipp

Sunday, April 27th, 2008

I’ve mostly recovered from jet lag (hooray!), except that I still fall asleep around 9. That’s early for me. And it doesn’t leave me much of a gaming window after work. I’ve still managed to get on to Tabula Rasa for a few hours, to try out the new S&S keyboard. That keyboard…ooh it’s nice, […]

Free time, where did it go?

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

So I’m back from my very long and somewhat stressful business trip, and everything went as well as can be expected. Now, at last, I have some free time to try out my new S&S keyboard at length, see whether level 14 in Tabula Rasa really can be reached, waste time with about a half […]

Cold Turkey in Malaysia

Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

So here I am in a nice hotel room in Penang Malaysia, and I just cut my finger opening a can of cashews from the hotel minibar. I have no idea how much they’re going to charge me for opening this can. Probably something they think is humorously outrageous. And it probably is, in local […]